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How to Get the Node With the Focus in Godot

This tutorial will teach you how to get the node with the focus in Godot and how to listen to a fired signal when the focus changes.

This tutorial is using Godot 4.

Using the Viewport #

Godot has a built-in method to get the node with the focus. The method is called gui_get_focus_owner(), and you can find this method in the class Viewport.

Here is an example of how to use this method:

var node_focused = get_viewport().gui_get_focus_owner()

It will return the node that has the focus.

Using a signal #

Still inside the Viewport class, you can find a signal called gui_focus_changed. This signal is fired when the focus changes.

You can use it like this:

class_name MyAwesomeClass
extends Node

func _ready() -> void:

func _on_gui_focus_changed(node: Node) -> void:
	# Do stuff with the node.

The method _on_gui_focus_changed will be called when the focus changes, giving the new focused node as the first parameter.


See Also

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